Where can I find a list of group IDs in my community?

Hi All,

I need to pull a list of all group IDs and cannot seem to figure out where to access this info. I realize we can find the group identifier within the Manage Group option but I need to be able to conduct a reverse lookup as in 116 = The ABC group.

Any ideas?


Parents Reply
  • Hi lallison ,

    There is no straight forward way to achieve  this .

    You need to run this code to get group id and name 

    #set($grouplist = $core_v2_group.List("%{IncludeAllSubGroups = 1, PageIndex = 0, PageSize = 100}"))
    #set($index = $grouplist.Totalcount / 100 )
    #foreach($i in [0..$index])
        #set($grouplist1 = $core_v2_group.List("%{IncludeAllSubGroups = 1, PageIndex =$i, PageSize = 100}"))
        #foreach($group in $grouplist)
        <tr><td>$group.Name</td><td>$group.Id</td></tr> <br/>
