Automatically Subscribe Users to A Specific Application

Is there a way to automatically subscribe a group of users (in their role) to a certain application? We are hoping to be able to subscribe all registered users to our "site-level" Blog. Looking forward to hearing options on this. 


  • Hi  and . Yes, both of these are possible.

    First, it's correct that, by default, new members are auto-subscribed to forums in a group. This is a behavior that's defined by an optional plugin in Administration, called "Forum Auto Subscriber". You can disable it, like other optional plugins, in Administration > Extensions > Forum Auto Subscriber > Enabled/Save.

    Second, to subscribe users to a specific application, there isn't an out-of-the-box way to do this that comes to mind. However, it would be a perfect use case for a relatively simple automation in Automation Studio - a new feature in 11. In fact, if the Forum Auto Subscriber plugin didn't already exist before 11, it would probably be implemented as an automation too. Here's an example of a similar problem solved with an automation that automatically joins members to roles. I can follow up soon with a more in-depth example soon.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi  and . Yes, both of these are possible.

    First, it's correct that, by default, new members are auto-subscribed to forums in a group. This is a behavior that's defined by an optional plugin in Administration, called "Forum Auto Subscriber". You can disable it, like other optional plugins, in Administration > Extensions > Forum Auto Subscriber > Enabled/Save.

    Second, to subscribe users to a specific application, there isn't an out-of-the-box way to do this that comes to mind. However, it would be a perfect use case for a relatively simple automation in Automation Studio - a new feature in 11. In fact, if the Forum Auto Subscriber plugin didn't already exist before 11, it would probably be implemented as an automation too. Here's an example of a similar problem solved with an automation that automatically joins members to roles. I can follow up soon with a more in-depth example soon.

    Hope this helps!
