How to make site as read-only


We like to run the community as read-only for some time. We have site-level user roles where we can remove permissions and what about the group member, managers, and owners. 

Is it required to go to each group and change permissions or is there any process to do this global.

And we don't want to use Access-code plugin here as we need to show the content to all the users. 

  • Are you on version 10.x? In that case, this would require going to every group and removing any write/create permissions for the appropriate roles (for instance, the Everyone role).

    If this is a toggle that you expect to need to change back and forth, you can use the Permissions APIs to automate this in a widget or plugin (ie, listing groups and removing specific permissions from specific roles in each group, and then reassigning them when turning things back on.)

    On version 12.x, there are new management settings at Administration > Groups > Membership Types and Administration > Groups > Global Permissions that can make changing group permissions easier. When making changes you can specify to overwrite existing groups permissions, which will automatically make the change in every group of that type.

  • Hi   I am following up on your message as we need to set part of our community as read-only and I do not see a way to do that on v12 in the admin panel you indicate.  Please note that we only need part of the community set to read-only and not the whole site.

    What would I change in the Membership Types and Administration panel?

Reply Children
  • Hello  

    What would I change in the Membership Types and Administration panel?
    hope this helps.. 

    • go to 
    • Pencil Icon ->Manage Group -> Permissions -> Site Role tab -> for each role uncheck all permissions  and keep just read permissions -> Save.
    • Do the same thing for Owners role under "Membership types" tab
  • Hi

    Thanks for the information.

    I needed to mention that we have our community set up with what we call 'neighborhoods' which are basically a parent group that corresponds to product groupings and the group in question has about 10 sub-groups.

    I went through your instructions and had to set the parent group AND sub-group permissions as described.  I then tested what I could see using a test user with only the Everyone and Registered Users roles and I could not see any of the groups in the neighborhood.

    I then tested some of the other group permissions and found that I needed to check the View Group Names in Lists box for the Everyone user in order to see the groups.  This needed to be done at the main group level as well as all sub-groups.