How to add adobe analytics without problem?

Hi everyone,
I've added adobe analytics(adobe dynamic tag Management) to the telligent instance(version
I've used this instruction.
But after adding I can't import theme from telligent using user interface.
when I remove adobe analytics from telligent it works correctly.

So my question how to add adobe analytics to telligent instance?
Maybe you have some recomendation for adding adobe analytics?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Michael,
    In the instruction said add script to the header.
    I've added the script to the header using field "Raw HTLM header (Top)" (see screenshot below).

    After saving the script to the header, theme import function doesn't work. When I click on the button import nothing happens.(screenshot below)

    Also, I don't have any error in browser console panel and telligent admin panel(screenshots below).
