2 minute read time.
Free Coffee! Verint Customers, Take 2020 State of CM Survey


Verint Community (formerly known as Telligent) is partnering again this year with The Community Roundtable (TheCR).  Each year The Community Roundtable surveys Community Strategists, Managers and Practitioners from around the globe across various industries and at different stages of their journeys. TheCR analyzes the inputs carefully and shares insights about the State of Community Management with a comprehensive State of Community Management Report. It is an excellent resource showing you what's working, what's not, what's being measured or not, and so much more.  The end product is a super insightful report that will inform you, give you something to compare or benchmark your program against to improve your results in the short and long term.

In return for your research contribution, TheCR will send you a copy of the State of the Community Management 2020 research report, plus a thank you in the form of a $5 Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts gift card, or a donation to No Kid Hungry.

Like all good communities, the more you and others share and contribute, the more you and the rest of the community gets back.  

We encourage you to use the link below and spend about 20 minutes (or more if needed).  


Here is the write up of what to expect once you click the link...  

State of Community Management 2020

Welcome to the 2020 SOCM survey!

Our research provides critical insights to community leaders and the industry. We could not provide comprehensive and insightful research without your input and contributions, and we hope this process also prompts you to reflect and gain insight into your own progress and opportunities.


  • The survey will take you about 20 minutes - but you can take as long as you like!
  • Take a break if you need to - we will be happy to send you a link to finish it.
  • Know that many answers will require an estimate - and your gut instinct is likely very good.
  • We recommend you use a computer or other full-screen device.
  • Your individual survey data will not be shared with anyone, and we scrub the data we use to make sure it can't be disaggregated
  • We never, ever sell your contact info or other data. You can review our privacy policy here: https://communityroundtable.com/privacy-policy/

Before you start:

There are a few data points to collect or estimate before starting:

  • Last month's engagement rates by type (which will be different based on your platform)
  • Average monthly number of answers generated by your community
  • Average monthly number of searches on your community
  • Percent of searches that result in a click-through
  • Monthly community budget (including platform & staff)

In return for your research contribution, you will receive a direct download of the State of Community Management 2020 research report, our never-ending gratitude, and a thank you in the form of a $5 Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts gift card, or a donation to No Kid Hungry.

If you have any questions, please contact research@communityroundtable.com.

Let's GO!

Rachel Happe
Chief Research Officer and Co-Founder
The Community Roundtable