Creating and implementing custom forms


Our client wants to add basic forms to their Community site that will allow users to contact them. They are currently using the Blog Contact Form process but this does not store anywhere and doesn't add to their CRM.

Would they be best to try and create custom widgets to create a custom form or edit an existing form e.g. Create a Forum form to send info via API?

Parents Reply
  • We don't suggest attempting to add fields to our tables.  There is just too much risk in changes we make to the product causing issues with that type of customization.

    The quickest solution that would be safe for upgrades would be to add custom fields to the form.  When saving the contact request add those fields and values to the end of the main message.


    Field 1: {Field 1}

    Field 2: {Field 2}

    The data would be stored and included in the contact email without any back end code changes.  
