Article Ideas - Idea Links : Configuration



Displays a list of common links for Ideas.

Where it works

This widget works within Ideation.


Place and configure the widget

  1. Click Pencil Icon >  Manage [Site/Group] Theme > Edit this Page
  2. Select and place the Ideas - Idea Links widget on the page.
  3. Click on   in the widget menu bar. The configuration dialog appears.
  4. You can change the title of this widget by replacing the text in the Widget Title box.
  5. Links - Enable and arrange the desired options to be available from the widget: 
    • Bookmark idea - Displays as "Bookmark this Idea." Adds the Idea to the bookmark list.
    • Bookmark ideation - Displays as "Bookmark this Ideation." Adds the Ideation to the bookmarks list.
    • Create new ideation - Opens the Create/Edit Ideation form. You must have the required permission.
    • Delete idea - Removes any record of the idea from the ideation.
    • Delete ideation - Removes any record of the ideation from the community.  
    • Edit idea - Opens the edit interface.
    • Edit ideation - Opens the edit interface.
    • Feature idea- Launches the Featured Content functionality.
    • Idea Subscriptions - Subscribes one to receive notifications for the Idea.
    • Ideation Subscriptions - Subscribes one to receive notifications for the Ideation.
    • Move Idea - Accesses the Ideation administration section of the Administration Panel. You must have the required permission.
    • Submit an idea - Opens the Create/Edit Idea form. You must have the required permission.
  6. Click Save to exit the configuration dialog.
  7. Click Publish when complete.