Article How should I support multiple languages on my community?

Before installing language packs you should have already installed the basic Verint community, including the mailing list.

If you are adding multiple languages to Verint Community, you will need to look at three areas:

~/Languages folder

If you look in the root of your website for the ~/Languages folder, you will see a default folder and a file  concerning languages:

  • en-US (folder)
  • languages.xml (file)

When you open the languages.xml file you will see:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    Specify enabled languages here
    <language name="U.S. English" key="en-US" />
    note: the folders and files must exist on your server before enabling these
    If a user / site has a disabled theme selected, it will default to en-US

This file specifies the language(s) found on the server. The value in the key attribute indicates the folder where the resource files are located. When you add language files to the Languages folder, update the languages.xml file to indicate there is a choice of languages.

web.config file

The root web.config file has localization settings that are available to the developer. See this file for full details on the globalization element.

communityserver_override.config file

The communityserver.config file is located in the root of your site. Rather than edit this file, you should create a communityserver_override.config file in the root folder. The Core node has three attributes you should check:

  1. defaultLanguage (default = en-US): This is the default language of your forum installation after anonymous users and guests register and first visit the home page. Once registered, they may change their language preference from their Settings.

  2. requestEncoding: This should be the same value that is set for the "requestEncoding" attribute for the globalization element in the root web.config file. This is especially important to ensure that QueryString and Form variables are encoded properly.

  3. responseEncoding: This should be the same value that is set for the responseEncoding attribute for the globalization element in the root web.config file. This is especially important to ensure that QueryString and Form variables are encoded properly.

Ensuring these values are set properly for your community will ensure the proper encoding for your site.