Article How can I mirror content from another blog or RSS feed?

Verint Community blogs have the capability to consume and mirror content from an external RSS feed. To mirror content from an RSS feed to a blog, navigate to the blog, Manage > Manage Blog > Mirrored Feeds, and select Add Mirrored Feed:

Specify details about the feed to be mirrored:

  1. Feed title - A friendly name for the feed. (Do not use a URL)
  2. Feed URL - The full feed RSS URL.
  3. Post author - Select the post author. If you select Anonymous, the blog will show the author from the feed. Otherwise, you will only be able to select a blog owner.
  4. Update interval - The number of minutes between checks for new posts at the URL you specified.
  5. Excerpt size - If an excerpt is used (that is, Post full text is not checked), this is its size in characters.
  6. Post full text - If this is checked, the feed will contain the entire post. (Otherwise, only the excerpt and a link back will be displayed.)

Click Create Mirrored Feed. Recent posts from the specified feed will start mirroring when the Mirrored Feed Updater job next runs.