Article How can I prevent spam content from being shown on my community?

Verint Community provides a few approaches to ensuring that inappropriate content is not shown on your community:

Moderation and Abuse

By enabling moderation (see How do I moderate content a member creates?) and configuring abuse automation rules (see How does moderation and abuse work?), you can automate the review of incoming and edited content to prevent it from ever showing on the community.


Censorship does not prevent the content from showing, but can remove or replace words or patterns of text within the content to prevent the usage of inappropriate content. Censorship rules are defined in Administration > Moderation > Censorship

Censorship changes are not retroactive. New additions will not be replaced in existing content, and new removals will not be reverted.


Content filtering enables limiting the functionality of content -- whether mentions, hashtags, emoticons can be used; if local or remote files can be referenced; what type of rich text is allowed; and what type of embedded content can be used. By adjusting content filtering options, you can limit stylistic spam from the community.

For more details about content filtering, see How do I control the type and functionality of content that can be posted on my community? 

Attachment File Type Limiting

Many types of content in Verint Community support embedding or referencing files. The type of files that can be referenced is controlled globally by the list on Administration > Moderation > Files and then further limited by attachment-related settings on applications in Administration > Applications > APPLICATIONS. Any potentially unsafe or abusive file types should be limited to prevent their inclusion in the community.

IP Banning

If you're receiving a lot of SPAM content (whether it is caught by abuse automation or not), you can prevent visitors from accessing your community at all by banning their IP address. You must be careful to be sure that the IP address or range is safe to ban (not local, not owned by your company, etc), but you can manage banned IPs in Administration > Moderation > IP Banning.