What's the best way to search for and report on words within content?

I regularly receive the request of "how many times was <x> mentioned?" across forum posts, blog posts, and other content. Where 'x' here could be "redesign" or "site is down" or a specific product.

Or the requirement of "I need to find where that one user mentioned the site being redesigned, where's their comment?" and I'm aware of certain words used in that comment or forum reply.

How can I do this? This doesn't appear to be obvious in the search functionality, and it isn't evident in reporting.

  • Hi Chris, sorry if I am misunderstanding but you could use the core search functionality to extract figures, and filter with some basic values such as user etc, so if you had more regular requests they could be added into an automation for example

    so for example this post, let's search for "redesign" and press enter to get the full search page 

    you can add filters to your query strings so things like  "redesign" AND type:"forum" , just be careful with case when using logical expressions like AND/OR etc 

    so for content, type and author you could use (based on the fact that your userid is xxxxx, I didn't want to expose the real value) 

    "redesign" AND type:"forum" AND user:xxxxx

    hope this helps