In the TE API V1, is there away to get a list of UserInvitations by a group ID?

I was expecting to see a list of User Invitations by group id.. and it doesn't look like this is available in the API or on the REST endpoints either.  Can someone suggest how I can build the list of invitation keys, then I can build out the list via the api, using a call using the invitation key.

If there is not a public API, I really hate to make a database call to get a list of invitation keys for the group... that may not be easy either...

adding a comment regarding alternative approach
[edited by: Harley Parks at 6:51 PM (GMT 0) on Wed, Sep 18 2024]
  • oh.. I think I just was looking in the wrong namespace.. my searching didn't find this either.. it's the Telligent.Evolution.UserInvitation class.. has everything I needed

    namespace Telligent.Evolution
        public class UserInvitations
            public static void Accept(UserInvitation invite, User userAccepted);
            public static void Create(UserInvitation invite);
            public static void Delete(Guid invitationKey);
            public static void Delete(UserInvitation invite);
            public static void Expire(DateTime expirationDate, DateTime expungeDate);
            public static UserInvitation GetUserInvitation(Guid invitationKey);
            public static IList<UserInvitation> GetUserInvitations(int groupId, UserInvitationState? state);
            public static ArrayList GetUserInvitationsBeforeDate(DateTime dateInvited);
            public static ArrayList GetUserInvitationsForUser(int userID);
            public static void Resend(UserInvitation invite);
            public static void Update(UserInvitation invite);