How to Limit Custom HTML Snippet Rendering to a Single Wiki Post Using Unfiltered HTML Plus Widget?


I'm currently utilizing the Unfiltered HTML Plus widget by Social Edge on our company's Wiki page (e.g.,

My aim is to implement custom content, so I've added a custom HTML snippet that incorporates CSS and JavaScript along with the HTML content. This snippet is intended to be displayed only on a specific Wiki post.

Unfortunately, I am encountering an issue where this snippet is being rendered across all new Wiki posts that fall under the main or parent Wiki article, regardless of the specific post I target.

For example, whether I navigate to: (e.g., or, the custom HTML snippet is rendering. The only place it does not appear is on the landing page of the Wiki (e.g.,

Could anyone provide guidance or a solution on how to configure the Unfiltered HTML Plus widget so that my custom HTML snippet appears only on the designated single Wiki post, rather than on every post within the Wiki? Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated.
