What communications do you make to a user to advise them they are banned?

WE have identified a user whom the Group Owners want to Ban for a number of reasons. 

The user has breached Acceptable Use Policy.

  • Hi  

    Based on our observations and interactions from other communities, here are several strategies for advising users of their ban:

    1. Direct Email Communication: Send a personalized email to the user explaining the reasons for the ban, the duration (if applicable), and any steps they can take for reinstatement or further clarification

    2. Customized Messaging within the Community Platform: Craft a customized message that appears when the banned user attempts to access the community platform. This message should outline the reason for the ban and any necessary next steps - this was a bit of custom work and not fully OOTB

    3. Personalized Direct Message (DM): If applicable, send a personalized DM to the user through the community platform, explaining the situation and providing guidance on how to address it (before they are banned)

    4. Automated System Notification: Implement an automated system (using an automation) within the community platform to send notifications to users when they are banned

    5. Follow-Up Communication: After the initial notification, consider sending follow-up communications at appropriate intervals to remind the user of the ban's duration (if temporary) or to provide updates on any appeals process.

    Im sure there are many other ways people are informing their users of a ban - but this is what I have seen

  • Indeed. Direct message is the best and if this person is hard-headed a phone call does wonders.

  • If you're running a public and open online community then you may not want to do a phone call, there is a consideration to be made to use only automated systems to notify the person that they are banned and to make sure your communication is only in a controlled manner via the mechanisms provided with the platform.

    Doing a direct phone call or e-mail can open up yourself for personal confrontation. It's a balancing act between coming across as genuine and ensuring safeguards are in place to protect staff behind a level of individual anonymity and ensuring the grievance is directed towards the policies and 'the company' rather than putting the individual at risk.

    I understand not everyone is running a public community, some of us here are and may not consider these implications.

  • I believe   is running a B2B community. In B2C that is indeed not a good idea. Good improvement

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