Members able to format text in editor

We have had a few problems when members use the text editor either to post on the forum or to update their bio in their profile. We keep finding odd formatting appearing and have managed to find the cause. In the text editor there is a formatting option  called 'Pre' which causes text to appear in a weird format.  It seems however we can't remove this option because the only way to prevent people clicking the 'Pre' option is to remove formatting and that in turn removes all formatting and we lose paragraphs which means posts end up as just a block of text.

Has anyone else experienced this and why can't we remove certain options from the editor without having tor remove a bunch of other functions? 

Forum users have a tendency to click on anything to see what it does even if it messes up the whole formatting of their post. Nobody seems t know what purpose this option serves but it does cause us extra work having to straighten things out again. Not only does it mess up the formatting it also changes the font. Has anyone else had problems with this and how can we remove it from the editor options?

[edited by: Sarah Wilson at 4:52 PM (GMT 0) on Thu, Mar 7 2024]
  • Preformatted text is used to show text that has its own format and is generally rendered with a fixed-width font and preserves the newlines and spacing of the original text. It is used for space/tab-column data (program source code, tabular/spreadsheet data in text format, etc) and for text-based art. Community includes default handing of preformatted text to provide scrolling to prevent breaking the surrounding format while preserving the intended preformatted definition/designation of the text.

    It is controlled via the "Paragraph" option in Content Filtering and can be disabled (along with P, BR, DIV, BLOCKQUOTE, H1-H6).

  • Preformatted text is used to show text that has its own format and is generally rendered with a fixed-width font and preserves the newlines and spacing of the original text. It is used for space/tab-column data (program source code, tabular/spreadsheet data in text format, etc) and for text-based art. Community includes default handing of preformatted text to provide scrolling to prevent breaking the surrounding format while preserving the intended preformatted definition/designation of the text.

    It is controlled via the "Paragraph" option in Content Filtering and can be disabled (along with P, BR, DIV, BLOCKQUOTE, H1-H6).
