Vietnamese characters not supported?

I've tried to add a custom font to resolve this issue but it hasn't worked. Does anyone else have any experience with this? Vietnamese characters normally work with Times New Roman but when I added this as a custom font in the "theme" area it didn't do anything.

  • I tested the default font with the Vietnamese alphabet (that I retrieved hastily from Wikipedia) and it appeared to render correctly:

    A, a
    Ă, ă
    Â, â
    B, b
    C, c
    D, d
    Đ, đ
    E, e
    Ê, ê
    G, g
    H, h
    I, i
    K, k
    L, l
    M, m
    N, n
    O, o
    Ô, ô
    Ơ, ơ
    P, p
    Q, q
    R, r
    S, s
    T, t
    U, u
    Ư, ư
    V, v
    X, x
    Y, y

    If the custom font degrades this experience, I would suspect the custom font is the issue.