Are + Being Stripped out when being passed into Velocity functions

Ran into a strange issue, and I believe + are being stripped from strings. Running this code in the Script Sandbox:

I have the debugger watching in VS, and its reporting the following:

Am I correct in stating that strings are getting sanitized before they reach our custom code? How can we pass in data and get that exact data in C#?

  • No, content is not sanitized between Velocity and execution. You can verify this by executing the following code int he script sandbox:

    And seeing the resulting exception in the Exception Log:

    I've not noticed it before, but is it possible that the preview is resolving the + to a space as with URI encoding? That's an odd behavior if that's the case.

  • No, content is not sanitized between Velocity and execution. You can verify this by executing the following code int he script sandbox:

    And seeing the resulting exception in the Exception Log:

    I've not noticed it before, but is it possible that the preview is resolving the + to a space as with URI encoding? That's an odd behavior if that's the case.

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