How to store CFS on S3?


I have been exploring the official documentation, and I came across information indicating that Verint CFS can be stored on either regular file storage or an S3 bucket. 

 Managing Physical File Storage 

I have a few questions and would greatly appreciate your guidance on the matter:

Is there a comprehensive guide available that outlines the steps to configure Verint Community CFS to be stored on an S3 bucket?

I've come across discussions about community or third-party maintained repositories providing CFS to S3 adapters. However, some of them appear to be abandoned or out-dated. Could you confirm if Verint Community 12.x officially supports S3, preferably through a component provided by Telligent?

- Does S3 adapter supports connections to S3-compatible storage solutions. For example, if a customer hosts their own S3-like instance on-premise, is it compatible with the Verint Community S3 adapter?