Post a Blog using REST, but leaving it as a Draft

Pretty much what the subject says, but I'll start with the question and then provide the scenario.


  • Can I use the REST API to publish a blog post, but leave it in a "draft" form?
  • I can see how to upload single images (PostImageFileDataPostImageFileName, etc.), but how do I include inline images within a published blog post's body?
  • Not that it applies to this exact project, but because I'm always curious: What is the purpose of the PostImageFileUploadContext parameter and values are allowed?

For any of the above, if someone has a simple example JSON body they can share, that would incredibly helpful.


  • We got a request to migrate a bunch of posts from a (non-Verint) blog site we'll be decommissioning to our Verint Community.
  • For some reason above my pay grade, the team responsible for said site can't provide us with the actual source code of their blogs posts.
  • I've written a scraper to pull the blog post "body" content (HTML) from the original site for each post we'll be migrating.  I grabbed any included images as well.
  • They want to back-date each of these posts to use the original's posting date (Publish Date).
  • However, we don't want them to "publish" immediately.  We'd prefer to have them sit in a draft state until we give them a final review, fix any formatting issues, and generally give it a once-over QA.


  • I should note that we can't use a Mirror Feed to pull the content for two reasons:
    1. The source is a single blog and the target will go to one of a handful of different blogs.
    2. The RSS only enumerates the first x (25 I think) posts and we're being asked to move over 300 total.
  • Yes, I really can't get access to the original source.  I've tried, but there's something blocking it, so I'm working with what I can.

As you can see, this isn't a trivial request so automating as much as possible is my goal here.

If anyone has any information, I'd be very, very grateful.

    • Can I use the REST API to publish a blog post, but leave it in a "draft" form?

    I haven't done this before, but I wonder if it's the IsApproved parameter?

    Another option for you is to publish them to a different blog application ("Draft blog application") and permission it off from your members. Here, they will all be "drafts" and then, once reviewed, you can move from "Draft blog application" to "Production blog application(s)." You're already going through an individual publishing exercise ("We'd prefer to have them sit in a draft state until we give them a final review, fix any formatting issues, and generally give it a once-over QA.") so this can just be a part of that QA process and probably save some time versus the API/dev work. 

  • Your suggestion is where I was headed.  The plan was to put them all in x separate (hidden) blogs and then move them on the "go live date."

    I'm also going to test the IsApproved parameter to see what it does.

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