Have the activities listed in the Interaction report changed in version 12.1?

You used to be able to see the number of posts moved but that seems to be missing now in 12.1 compared to 11.1.  Is there another report that shows the number of posts moved, that is filterable by member?



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  • Hi Brian,

    Thanks for replying. I tried your suggetion to look into the Active Content report and filtered on a user.  I then exported these results to Excel, but there is nothing to indicate in any of the exported columns which content was moved, just that it was active during the period.  But then I tried the Active Members report, filtered down to a user, and then exported that, and then I could see the number of moves by adding a filter to the Activity column.  So, not the easiest way to locate the data, but it is there.  Thanks for your suggestion...it helped me to find what I was looking for.  Appreciate that!

