Social Sharing options for Articles and Blogs

We are trying to explore ways for our community users to share articles/blogs over social media. Towards that we would like to implement a social sharing toolbar. I don't believe there is any out-of-the-box solution for such a use case. Has anyone here explored this area? Are there any readymade widgets available anywhere?

PS: I searched this forum for solutions but most of the questions and responses I find are from 2 years ago or older. 

  • I would love for a solution to this to be hooked into the social media APIs and SDKs, and leverage opengraph protocol significantly better. Being able to set the thumbnail, title and description before the user shares it.

    I haven't seen a suitable extension either, I'm not entirely surprised, maintaining SDKs and APIs for 3-4 different social media channels isn't a small amount of effort.

  • I would love for a solution to this to be hooked into the social media APIs and SDKs, and leverage opengraph protocol significantly better. Being able to set the thumbnail, title and description before the user shares it.

    I haven't seen a suitable extension either, I'm not entirely surprised, maintaining SDKs and APIs for 3-4 different social media channels isn't a small amount of effort.

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