Can I get widget Configuration through REST API Endpoints?

Hi all,

Can I get widget Configuration through REST API Endpoints?

Eg: Below is forum thread configuration section

we can get these configuration in widget through Script API $core_v2_widget. How to get the same in REST API

  • Hi  

    Unless something changed recently, there is no REST API for this (although I wish there was).  I work with a company that sets up new Verint instances for clients, so this would be really useful for us.

    The closest we have come to this is to develop a browser automation scripts can download or upload Site and Group theme files.  The widget configurations are in those theme files.  The theme file format isn't too complex, it is just XML.

    For example, here is a portion of the Site Theme file for the Home Page of my test site.

    This is the start of the main "content" column in the page, and you can see the information for the first widget in the `<contentFragment>` element.  The configuration of that widget is in the `configuration` attribute.

    So, it's not an easy task, but it is possible.

    Although I haven't done this, you could get to this information by developing a plugin and make direct calls to the Verint database.  NOTE that accessing Verint tables directly from a plugin is frowned on by Verint as you need to go outside of the documented APIs to get to them... but it is possible.

    If you are reading from the tables it is safe, but I would NOT update Verint DB tables directly because there could be unexpected consequences.

    Anyway... if you just want to READ data from the DB, via a plugin or directly, you can get the page information from the `cs_ContentFragmentPages` table, and once you have the PageId, you can look up the config for the widgets on that page in the `cs_ConfiguredContentFragments` table.  The configuration for the widget is stored in the `Configuration` column, which is an XML value.

    Here is an example for one of the widgets on my home page.

    So, regardless of how you get to it, there is no straight-forward REST API that I am aware of.

    But if someone else knows of an easier way to get this data, I would also be interested.

  • Hi  

    Unless something changed recently, there is no REST API for this (although I wish there was).  I work with a company that sets up new Verint instances for clients, so this would be really useful for us.

    The closest we have come to this is to develop a browser automation scripts can download or upload Site and Group theme files.  The widget configurations are in those theme files.  The theme file format isn't too complex, it is just XML.

    For example, here is a portion of the Site Theme file for the Home Page of my test site.

    This is the start of the main "content" column in the page, and you can see the information for the first widget in the `<contentFragment>` element.  The configuration of that widget is in the `configuration` attribute.

    So, it's not an easy task, but it is possible.

    Although I haven't done this, you could get to this information by developing a plugin and make direct calls to the Verint database.  NOTE that accessing Verint tables directly from a plugin is frowned on by Verint as you need to go outside of the documented APIs to get to them... but it is possible.

    If you are reading from the tables it is safe, but I would NOT update Verint DB tables directly because there could be unexpected consequences.

    Anyway... if you just want to READ data from the DB, via a plugin or directly, you can get the page information from the `cs_ContentFragmentPages` table, and once you have the PageId, you can look up the config for the widgets on that page in the `cs_ConfiguredContentFragments` table.  The configuration for the widget is stored in the `Configuration` column, which is an XML value.

    Here is an example for one of the widgets on my home page.

    So, regardless of how you get to it, there is no straight-forward REST API that I am aware of.

    But if someone else knows of an easier way to get this data, I would also be interested.
