Can you display a list of a group's managers?

On our groups landing pages we display the 'group members list' widget and configure it to show just the group owners so that group members have an easy way of seeing and finding who is looking after the group. However, we'd also like to include the group's managers in that list or maybe just the managers but not the owners. 

I can't see any way to configure the widget to display Owners and Managers or just Managers as it's currently a choice between Owners or Members i.e. everyone in the group. 

Is there a way to display a groups managers too or a simple edit to the widget itself in order to include that ability as a configuration option?

  • I can't see any way to configure the widget to display Owners and Managers or just Managers as it's currently a choice between Owners or Members i.e. everyone in the group. 

    I've not seen this as a default option on the widget, but I'm not sure why Frowning2 I would like this as well as I'm the "Owner" of a lot of groups, but the "Managers" handle a bulk of the work or oversight. 

    Is there a way to display a groups managers too or a simple edit to the widget itself in order to include that ability as a configuration option?

    Adding the ability to display Managers (versus Owners or All Group Members) seems like it'd only be a few changes (I haven't tested this, but just some guesses looking at the widget's default code). You can basically take almost every line of code that references "Owner," copy/paste, and edit the word "Owner" to "Manager":

    • Configuration
      • Add this between line 10 and 11
        • <propertyValue value="managers" labelResourceName="Show_Managers" orderNumber="1000000" propertiesToShow="" propertiesToHide="sortBy,sortOrder" />
    • Avatar-list.vm
      • After line 14, add 
        • #set ($show = $core_v2_widget.GetStringValue('show', 'managers'))
      • After the default line 18, add:
        • #if ($show == 'managers')
          #set ($members = $core_v2_groupUserMember.ListEffectiveGroupMembers($groupId, "%{ MembershipType='Manager', PageIndex = $pageIndex, PageSize = $pageSize, SortBy = 'DisplayName', SortOrder = 'Ascending', IncludeRoleMembers='True' }"))
    • Simple-list.vm
      • After line 14, add 
        • #set ($show = $core_v2_widget.GetStringValue('show', 'managers'))
      • After the default line 18, add:
        • #if ($show == 'managers')
          #set ($members = $core_v2_groupUserMember.ListEffectiveGroupMembers($groupId, "%{ MembershipTyope='Manager', PageIndex = $pageIndex, PageSize = $pageSize, SortBy = 'DisplayName', SortOrder = 'Ascending', IncludeRoleMembers='True' }"))
    • Resources
      • Add a resource for:
        • Show_Managers  |   Group Managers Only

    I'd suggest making a copy of the default widget first and trying these changes there before production. 

    Adding one for Managers & Owners should be doable too, but that would require additional conditions in addition to what's above, should be a similar concept though. 

    Hope this helps!

  • Oooh thanks  Blush 

    I'll go have a play in our staging site to see if that works! (I'll let you know.... Wink

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