Are password reset requests logged anywhere?

Are requests from users to reset their passwords reflected anywhere in the Monitoring logs?  

As in: A user can't remember their password.  They go to: www.sitename/user/emailforgottenpassword or the equivalent.  They enter their email address, and an reset email is sent to them with a unique link.

I can't find any trace of these actions under Auditing or Events, where I might expect to see them.  Many email events seem to be recorded under Events, but not password resets, as far as I can tell.

We get a fair number of users who claim they tried resetting their passwords but it's not always clear that they've performed all these steps.  There's a significant digital divide with our membership so it take some effort to sort of out what they've done vs. what they think they've done. 

Having this data available would be a very helpful diagnostic when trying to untangle these problems.  At the very least we can confirm whether they did in fact try this and there is some other issue work.