Featured content carousel not showing post images from blogs

I have a query re the expected functionality of the featured content carousel re blogs and post images

I have added a new blog to the latest build of telligent and created a featured post with a post image

On the blog page the post image is displayed as expected in the blog banner, but in the featured content carousel it dont get the post image

After some debugging in feature.vm the $featuredContent.Image value is empty

To work around this I had to check if the item was a blog and extract the post image manually, but this means we now have a customised widget


#set ($postImage = false)
#set ($postImage = $featuredContent.Image)

#if (!$postImage || $postImage.Length == 0)
    #if ($featuredContent.Content.ContentTypeId == $core_v2_blogPost.ContentTypeId)
    	#set ($blogPost = $core_v2_blogPost.Get($featuredContent.Content.ContentId))
        #if ($blogPost && $blogPost.PostImageUrl && $blogPost.PostImageUrl != '')
    		#set ($postImage = $blogPost.PostImageUrl) 

then use $postImage rather than $featuredContent.Image

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