Blog review notifications to author

We're using a review process for one of our blogs so that our community members can submit a post to the blog and the admins can either approve it for publishing or deny it if the content is not suitable for our community. 

If we deny a post but allow the author to edit it and resubmit, they receive an email notification to inform them. However, where can I find this notification in order to edit it slightly? I can't seem to find it in the notifications area of the admin dashboard? The only one I can find is the Moderation Review Needed email but that's the one that goes to an admin or moderator to tell them there's something in the queue. I can't seem to find the ones that go out to the author when their post has been denied or approved or needs review? 

Can anyone point me in the right direction please!

  • I'm still looking for where these sit in the admin area if anyone can help? 

  • After reading Is there a setting/permission for the default moderator role to allow direct messaging to a user in the moderation queue? I wonder if it's a token we need to be looking at? Although that's for content being moderated, not content being reviewed Thinking

  • It's a completely different message Liz. The email subject and the body text bear no resemblance to anything going out by way of abuse moderation notifications so it must be a different notification message somewhere. 

    What I'm looking for is the notifications around the blog review process and not abuse moderation. 

  • The content for notifications that go out related to Workflow Reviews can be updated via the Automation Studio for the related Automation (Phase-based Review or Simple Review). 

  •   Just circling back to this one. What I need is for the 'revision notes' to also go out in the email notification to the blog post author regardless of whether their blog post has been denied (and revision allowed) or denied completely. We need a way of telling authors WHY their post has been denied (with no revision allowed) so the notes section is relevant for both scenarios. Is there a way of including the 'revision notes' in the notification that goes out for a flat denial? 

  • Howdy  - Yes, it is possible to include the revision notes in the denial notification with an update to the automation resources. I've included the steps for this process below. 

    1. Login to the community as an administrator
    2. Click on the Pencil icon
    3. Click Administration > Automation > Automation Studio
    4. Scroll down and click on Review workflow automations
    5. Click on the widget Simple Review
    6. Select Resources from the Components list 
    7. Scroll down to Notification_RevisionRequested_Body
    8. Click in the value box to see the text for the body of the notification
    9. At the very end of this text you will highlight and copy </p>{revisionnotes}
    10. Scroll back up to Notification_Delete_Body
    11. Click in the value box and at the end of the text paste </p>{revisionnotes}
    12. Publish the Staged Changes
    13. Duplicate this process for the Phase-based Review widget
  • Hi  

    I tried the steps above but when the email comes through it just has {revisionnotes} in the email body and not the actual revision notes!

    What have I missed out? 

    This is the text for the review requested message that works perfectly:

    <p>Your {contenttypename}, "{title}," has been reviewed but revisions have been requested. You can revise the {contenttypename} within the moderation queue and resubmit it. Contact the admin team at <a href=""> </a> </p>{revisionnotes}

    This is what is now in the Denied message:

    <p>Your {contenttypename}, "{title}," was denied by reviewers and will not be published </p>{revisionnotes} 

    which just has {revisionnotes} in the line of the message where the actual notes should be Disappointed


  • Howdy  

    I've been able to recreate this behavior in a test environment and will report it as a bug. 


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