We are looking into auditing our information. How can we easily count pieces of content per type?
We are able to list content type with this: #set($iApiListResponse = $core_v2_contentType.List())
Looking to then count content per content-type-id
We are looking into auditing our information. How can we easily count pieces of content per type?
We are able to list content type with this: #set($iApiListResponse = $core_v2_contentType.List())
Looking to then count content per content-type-id
A crude way to do this is to make this type of call for each content type in question:
#set($type = $core_v2_forumThread.List())
$type.TotalCount Threads
#set($type = $core_v2_blogPost.List())
$type.TotalCount Blog Posts
A crude way to do this is to make this type of call for each content type in question:
#set($type = $core_v2_forumThread.List())
$type.TotalCount Threads
#set($type = $core_v2_blogPost.List())
$type.TotalCount Blog Posts