Articles API issues - No Create and Metadata not saving

Hi All,

First question is, I don't see a REST endpoint for creating new Articles. Is there one?  The closest is Create Article Version, but this has a required param for the pre-existing ID of the article, so it appears that it can only be used to add versions to an existing Article.

Also, using an In-Process event handler for ArticleBeforeCreate I set values for MetaDescription and MetaKeywords.

private void Events_ArticleBeforeCreate(ArticleBeforeCreateEventArgs e)
    e.MetaDescription = GenerateSummary(e.Body);
    e.MetaKeywords = GenerateKeywords(e.Body);
    Log($"Article: Description: {e.MetaDescription}, Keywords: {e.MetaKeywords}");

The Log() method logs the MetaDescription and MetaKeywords to the event log, so I can confirm that they were set with meaningful values.

I am on v12.1.3.

Are there currently gaps in the Article API, or am I using it incorrectly?


Ref: REST API Pages for Articles

Added image of documentation pages, and made clarification.
[edited by: Robert Hanson at 11:20 AM (GMT 0) on Wed, Mar 22 2023]