Looking for definitions on view "Targets"

The Target enum lists a bunch of different targets for explaining how content is being viewed.  I think that I understand what most of them are for, but there are a couple of questions.

Both of these are coming up when I'm working with Mentionables, Peekables, and Searchables.  What is the difference between them?  I can't quite get a handle on the difference of when they are used.

  • Web
  • WebQuote

I think I know what these are for, but I'd like to get confirmation.

  • Syndication - RSS feeds?
  • Print - When you print a page from your web browser.
  • Nntp - Network News protocol?  What in Verint uses NNTP?
  • Email - When rendered in an email.
  • WebServices - When rendered in the results of a REST call?

I'm not sure when these might be used, are there any common examples?

  • Unknown
  • Offline
  • Other


Doc Ref: community.telligent.com/.../target-plugin-supplementary-type

  • Many of these are present for legacy support going back to the early 2000s. Here is a brief description of the expectations of each render type. Know that many of these are not used by default.

    • Unknown: Just that, unknown.
    • Web: Normal rendering in a fully featured web browser with the community client API
    • Syndication: Primarily RSS or any shipping of content to another location where a fully featured web browser is not expected
    • Offline: Offline. File references would not be expected.
    • Other: Similar to unknown.
    • Print: For printing. Scripting and interaction would not be expected.
    • Nntp: Yes, NNTP. This is mostly present for legacy support. Many years ago, there was an NNTP integration for forums.
    • Email: Rendering in an Email client. Email clients are not fully featured web browsers and may want to limit interactivitiy.
    • WebQuote: Used to reference otherwise web-rendered content. While the content will be rendered in a fully functional web browser, this should limit interactivity since the content is being referenced and is not the primary focus.
    • WebServices: Default for rendering from the REST API. Rendering would not expect to be within a fully functional web browser.
  • Thanks for taking the time to spell them all out, this is helpful.