Indexing error, You do not have the 'read article collections' permission

We are seeing some indexing errors for articles on a site, is there a way to identify the erroneous article and as this is running via the task server I am unclear why it would not have access?

There was an error indexing content ('Article Collections'). (You do not have the 'read article collections' permission for 'About' that is required to complete this action.)

Will this be stopping other content being indexed? 

The version is

  • Permission issues generally will not impact a single piece of content, it impacts all items in an application, do you have content in an application not being indexed as a whole?

  • Nope just these strange errors in the exceptions log, I thought had seen them in previous builds of 12 but they had been resolved
    but we are still seeing them and have no idea as to how to track down the item causing this, guess will need to look at what is flagged to be indexed in the db and go from there 

    It would be great if any indexing errors could mention the offending content id 

  • Is it possible that the article collection was soft-deleted? (not that this doesn't mean this is a bug, but it helps identify the cause)

    Could you share more of the exception details/stack? You can send it to me in a private message if you'd prefer.

  • I don't think there is anything here of a sensitive nature, I dont think the content would have been removed apart from by the system, the site was recent upgraded though 

    PRESENTED EXCEPTION: There was an error indexing content ('Article Collections'). (You do not have the 'read article collections' permission for 'About' that is required to complete this action.)
    EXCEPTION 2: You do not have the 'read article collections' permission for 'About' that is required to complete this action.
    ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: You do not have the 'read article collections' permission for 'About' that is required to complete this action.
       at Telligent.Evolution.Articles.Internal.Services.Implementation.ArticleCollectionService.Get(ArticleCollectionsGetOptions options, Boolean ignorePermissions)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Articles.Plugins.ArticleCollectionsApplicationType.Get(Guid applicationId)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Articles.Plugins.ArticleCollectionsApplicationType.Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Content.Version1.IContentType.Get(Guid contentId)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Content.ContentService.InternalGet(Guid contentId, Guid contentTypeId, Boolean allowTemporary)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Content.ContentService.EnsureExists(Guid contentId, Guid contentTypeId)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Plugins.Search.SearchIndexingPlugin.events_AfterBulkIndex(AfterBulkIndexingEventArgs e)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Events.SearchIndexingEventExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<OnAfterIndex>b__0(AfterSearchBulkIndexingEventHandler h)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Components.EventsBase.Execute[T](Object eventObject, Action`1 executor, Boolean throwExceptions)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Components.EventsBase.Execute[T](Object eventObject, Action`1 executor, Boolean throwExceptions)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Events.SearchIndexingEventExecutor.OnAfterIndex(String handlerName, IEnumerable`1 documents, Int64 durationInMillis)
       at Telligent.Evolution.CoreServices.Search.Implementation.SearchIndexingService.IndexContent(String handlerName, IEnumerable`1 contentToIndex)
       at Telligent.Evolution.CoreServices.Search.Implementation.SearchIndexingService.IndexContentTypes(IEnumerable`1 registeredContentTypes, Int32 maxDocsPerHandler, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
       at Telligent.Evolution.CoreServices.Search.Implementation.SearchIndexingService.IndexContentTypes(IEnumerable`1 registeredContentTypes, Int32 maxDocsPerHandler, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
       at Telligent.Evolution.CoreServices.Search.Implementation.SearchIndexingService.IndexContent(Int32 maxDocsPerHandler, Boolean deleteQueuedContentEachRun, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Search.SearchIndexJob.Execute(JobData jobData)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Components.Jobs.EvolutionJobRunner.SubExecute(JobExecutionContext context)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Components.Jobs.BaseJobRunner.Execute(JobExecutionContext job)
       at Telligent.Jobs.JobConsumer.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<Consume>b__0()
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecutionContextCallback(Object obj)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
       at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
       at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()

  • There is another one as well which does seem related to missing content, but again as there is no id whats the best way to track this down, again feel free to message me 

    PRESENTED EXCEPTION: There was an error indexing content ('Forum Replies'). (The associated content could not be retrieved.)
    EXCEPTION 2: The associated content could not be retrieved.
    ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: The associated content could not be retrieved.
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Content.ContentService.EnsureExists(Guid contentId, Guid contentTypeId)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Plugins.Search.SearchIndexingPlugin.events_AfterBulkIndex(AfterBulkIndexingEventArgs e)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Api.Events.SearchIndexingEventExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<OnAfterIndex>b__0(AfterSearchBulkIndexingEventHandler h)
       at Telligent.Evolution.Components.EventsBase.Execute[T](Object eventObject, Action`1 executor, Boolean throwExceptions)
  • Agreed on getting the IDs included in the exception. I've logged that even though it doesn't resolve the issue you're encountering (but it would help):

    TE-17856: Include content identifiers in exceptions when search indexing fails

    Completed for 13.0

    Do you have multiple Article Collections (not individual articles) that are named "About"? "About" should be the title of the article collection that failed the permission check.

  • I am experiencing a similar issue, but with Media Galleries and 'read media' permission.  Were you ever able to find a resolution to this?

  • Verint | Telligent Community
    0 Verint | Telligent Community
    TE-17856: Include content identifiers in exceptions when search indexing fails has been completed for 13.0