Embeddables - Widget Configuration

I am working on a widget configuration, I want to allow the HTML editor, however I am not seeing the Embeddable i created. They do appear when I am replying to a thread

Here is my Configuration for the field:

<property id="headerDescription" labelResourceName="headerDescription" dataType="Html" template="html" enableRichEditing="true" rows="1" columns="40" contentTypeId="" />
<property id="headerButtons" labelResourceName="headerButtons" dataType="Html" template="html" enableRichEditing="true" rows="1" columns="40" contentTypeId="" />

Parents Reply
  • Ok, so heres what I did.

    I created a embeddable that centered items. I gave that embeddable a WYSWIYG editor and added in my embeddable there:

    For testing sake, I also copied the embeddable code into the Generic Content WYSIWYG:

    The Center Embeddable didn't render, however the single embeddable did. I then tried using the $core_v2_ui.Render function which did nothing.

    What's the best way to center things on the page, should I just make a widget that mimics Generic Content but centers everything?
