Check box validation error

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Former Member


We have checkbox group as

<input type="checkbox" name="labelcheckbox" value=" Marketing" class="custom">

<input type="checkbox" name="labelcheckbox" value=" Customer" class="custom">

<input type="checkbox" name="labelcheckbox" value=" Emp" class="custom">

added validation code as'addField', $("input[name='labelcheckbox']") ,
required: true,
messages: { required: context.subjectRequiredText }

'#' + context.wrapperId + ' .right-lable-error .field-item-validation',null);

in 11.x code is working excellent where as in 12.x its only validating first check box and ignoring other check boxes.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi  . Sorry for the troubles. There were some updates to validation support in 12.1 which could have impacted this. But to get a little more context, as these are checkbox inputs and not radio inputs, what is your expectation for how the required field validator should behave?

  • Hi  ,

    As you can see above there are three checkboxes out of which the user should select at least one of them. 

    In 11.x it used to work but in 12.x the validation is only checking the first checkbox

  • To be specific "The required filed Message" won't allow us to proceed even if we check the other two checkboxes, It only disappears when we check the first check box and then allows to proceed to submit

  • Hi . Sorry for the delay.

    The old behavior to validate that a single checkbox within a list of checkboxes is checked relied upon the undefined and undocumented behavior of an underlying dependency. Instead, I'd recommend using the addCustomValidation method of the evolutionValidation jQuery Plugin.  

    I've attached a sample widget showing an adaptation of your above code with custom validation implemented: 

    	<scriptedContentFragment name="Custom Checkbox Validation Demo" version="" description="Demonstrates custom validation use with checkbox inputs" instanceIdentifier="b4f77b9ada984ae29048b92ae64ee52d" theme="" isCacheable="false" varyCacheByUser="false" showHeaderByDefault="true" cssClass="" lastModified="2022-08-31 18:25:45Z">
    		<contentScript language="Velocity"><![CDATA[<form>
        	<ul class="field-list">
        		<li class="field-item">
        			<span class="field-item-input">
        		        <input type="checkbox" name="subject" id="$core_v2_encoding.HtmlAttributeEncode($core_v2_widget.UniqueId('Marketing'))" value="Marketing" />
        			    <label for="$core_v2_encoding.HtmlAttributeEncode($core_v2_widget.UniqueId('Marketing'))">Marketing</label>
        		<li class="field-item checkbox">
        			<span class="field-item-input">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="subject" id="$core_v2_encoding.HtmlAttributeEncode($core_v2_widget.UniqueId('Customer'))" value="Customer" />
        			    <label for="$core_v2_encoding.HtmlAttributeEncode($core_v2_widget.UniqueId('Customer'))">Customer</label>
        		<li class="field-item checkbox">
        			<span class="field-item-input">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="subject" id="$core_v2_encoding.HtmlAttributeEncode($core_v2_widget.UniqueId('Emp'))" value="Emp" />
        			    <label for="$core_v2_encoding.HtmlAttributeEncode($core_v2_widget.UniqueId('Emp'))">Emp</label>
        		<li class="field-item submit">
                    <span class="field-item-validation subject" style="display: none;"></span>
        			<span class="field-item-input">
        				<a class="internal-link button save-post" href="#" id="$core_v2_encoding.HtmlAttributeEncode($core_v2_widget.UniqueId('submit'))">
        				<span style="visibility: hidden;" class="processing"><span class="ui-loading" data-width="45" data-height="15"></span></span>
    	<script type="text/javascript">
    	    // capture input referenes
    	    var submitButton = j('#$core_v2_encoding.JavascriptEncode($core_v2_widget.UniqueId('submit'))');
    	    var subjectCheckboxes = j('input[name="subject"]:checkbox');
    	    // add validation
                onValidated: function(isValid) {
                    if (isValid) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;
                onSuccessfulClick: function () {
                    alert('Validation Passed');
            // re-validate whenever a checkbox input changes, not just on submit
            subjectCheckboxes.on('change', function() {
            // add a custom validator to validate at least one of the checkbox inputs is checked
            submitButton.evolutionValidation('addCustomValidation', subjectCheckboxes, function() {
            }, 'Please choose at least one subject.', subjectCheckboxes.closest('.field-list').find('.field-item-validation.subject'));
    		<headerScript language="Velocity" />
    		<additionalCssScript language="Velocity" />

    Hope this helps!