Subscribing to content when not logged in?

Hi All

We've noticed that visitors who view our community while not logged in can still 'subscribe by email' to be alerted to new content in certain applications (such as a blog for instance). However, I can't identify these in the activity reporting area? 

When they subscribe, they're asked for their email address and then sent a verification request to that address. Where is their email address then stored in the community and how is that used? Where can I find out how many 'anonymous' users have subscribed to content? 

We were also wondering whether it's something we would be able to disable/remove from our community as we'd prefer users to have an account in order to get the benefit of being notified of new content etc. 

Any suggestions?


  • Hello  ,

    The subscribe by email feature stores email addresses in table "te_Blog_BlogSubscriptions" and you could retrieve emails, date and blog Id they subscribed if you run some SQL queries (make sure you select it with IsConfirmed flag).

    With regards to disabling it, I would just customize Blog - Links widgets, or create a customized version (Usually we create a clone of existing widget for our clients) and ensure the subsribe by email either not visible to anonymous users or redirect them to a join page.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Rouslan

    Where would find the table te_Blog_BlogSubscriptions in the admin dashboard? 

    Also with the Blogs Links widget, I can't see any way of making the widget visible to logged in/logged out users in order to clone it and use different options in the different versions for logged in/logged out? As it stands the 'New post by email' option (which I THINK is the one used for subscribing if you're not logged in) is disabled anyway?

    Sorry, I'm a bit confused! Blush

  • Hi Lisa

    Re blogs as an example the link widget itself handles the anon users functionality and it doesn't look to be configurable but it may be that it can overridden somewhere globally maybe   or someone in the product team can advise on this please 


    	<li class="navigation-list-item">
    		<a href="#" onclick="jQuery.glowModal('$core_v2_encoding.JavascriptEncode($core_v2_page.AdjustQueryString($core_v2_widget.GetExecutedFileUrl('subscribebyemail.vm'), "BlogId=$currentBlog.Id"))', { width: 400, height: 200 }); return false;">$core_v2_language.GetResource('Subscribe_ByEmail')</a>
    	#if ($core_v2_utility.ParseBool($core_v2_page.GetQueryStringValue('sub')) == true)
    			<script type="text/javascript">
    				jQuery(function(j){'$core_v2_language.GetResource("Weblog_Subscription_SuccessMessage")', {type: 'success', duration: 10000});
    	#set($hasLinks = true)

    You would need to edit he appropriate widgets and remove this, maybe you could request this as a enhancement to the platform via

  • Thanks Karl Blush

    Any idea where I would be able to find some kind of report to tell me how many anonymous users have subscribed?  Just thinking that this is also a missed opportunity as it would be great to be able to target these anonymous users and see if we can convert them into having an account via a targeted marketing campaign. 

    'Hey there! We've noticed that you subscribed to our blog. Did you know that if you sign up to (insert community name here) you'll benefit from (insert benefits of signing up and logging in here... ) Wink

  • Hi Lisa 

    It looks like there is no public way to view these blog post subscriptions via email so it would need to be raised as an idea as mentioned above so that the product team can evaluate it etc