LDAP Sync Job do nothing and quickly exits

Issue description

LDAP Sync Job do nothing and quickly exits, domain user profile on this Verint stays empty

PS: The Active Directory is accessible through LDAP from the machine where Job Server is running, we had checked it from PowerShell Get-ADUser command

Job Server log output (no exceptions)
2021-09-22 19:50:05,634 - [STARTING] Ldap Sync (Id=e4d3b893-7f63-458c-9e04-6c5b6a67f8dd, JobId=875d3303-c73e-4a1e-a944-a3b6a4617b80)
2021-09-22 19:50:05,650 - [FINISHED] Ldap Sync (Id=e4d3b893-7f63-458c-9e04-6c5b6a67f8dd, JobId=875d3303-c73e-4a1e-a944-a3b6a4617b80) Elapsed: 00:00:00.0156004

Edited config files


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<Override xpath="/CommunityServer/Core/extensionModules"
		value="true" />
	<!-- <Override xpath="/CommunityServer/Core/extensionModules/add[@name='WindowsAuthentication']"
		value="false" /> -->
	<Override xpath="/CommunityServer/Core/extensionModules/add[@name='WindowsAuthentication']"
		value="false" />
	<!-- <Override xpath="/CommunityServer/Core/extensionModules/add[@name='WindowsAuthentication']"
		value="MyAdministrativeGroup" /> -->
	<!-- <Override xpath="/CommunityServer/Core/extensionModules/add[@name='WindowsAuthentication']"
		value="false" /> -->
	<Override xpath="/CommunityServer/Core/extensionModules/add[@name='WindowsAuthentication']"
		value="@COMPANYNAME.COM" /> <!-- this value was replaced with dummy value -->
	<Override xpath="/CommunityServer/Core/extensionModules/add[@name='WindowsAuthentication']"
		value="1" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	Make sure to keep any changes to this file in sync between web.config and Telligent.Jobs.Server.exe.config
	(Except for the logging section which is unique to the Job Server)
		<sectionGroup name="common">
			<section name="logging" type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging" />
		<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
		<section name="jobs" type="Telligent.Jobs.Configuration.JobsConfiguration, Telligent.Jobs" />
		<section name="TinyMCE" type="Moxiecode.TinyMCE.ConfigHandler,Moxiecode.TinyMCE" requirePermission="false" />
		<section name="LdapConnection" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
      <add key="Server" value="LDAP://" />
      <add key="Port" value="389" />
      <add key="UserDN" value="CN=DOMAINUSER,CN=Users,DC=COMPANYNAME,DC=COM" /> <!-- this value was replaced with dummy value -->
      <add key="Password" value="SOMEPASSWORD" /> <!-- this value was replaced with dummy value -->
      <add key="Authentication" value="Secure" />
    <!-- .... -->
    <!-- skipped unchanged configuration -->
    <!-- .... -->

  • Here is sample of AD user account in Verint and corresponding user account acquired through PowerShell LDAP

    PS: All information was replaced by dummy values

    DistinguishedName : CN=FirstName LastName,OU=OrganizationalUnit3,OU=OrganizationalUnit2,OU=OrganizationalUnit1,DC=COMPANYNAME,DC=COM
    Enabled           : True
    GivenName         : GivenName
    Name              : FirstName Surname
    ObjectClass       : user
    ObjectGUID        : f776b5f1-9401-4fa0-8265-0d7a21b38f1a
    SamAccountName    : userlogin
    SID               : S-1-5-21-21487600-10229659-371915043294140934-8674
    Surname           : Surname
    UserPrincipalName : userlogin@COMPANYNAME.COM

  • Has the LDAP package been added to the Packages.config file in the web root and jobs folder?

    Also is there a specific reason you are using LDAP/Windows authentication versus another more modern method?   I would not necessarily advice using this in new installs, there is plan in the next version to obsolete both of these and then removal in the future.

  • LDAP/Windows authentication versus another more modern method?

    Usage of exactly AD + Kerberos was a corporate policy from customer

  • I would not necessarily advice using this in new installs,
    there is plan in the next version to obsolete both of these and then removal in the future.

    What should intranet communities with AD based IdP use then?

  • Actually we missed to do it, Packages.config file was look like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- This file determines which packages have been added to Telligent Community -->
      <Package Name="Ldap" Version="1.0" DateInstalled="2009-03-09" Id="4BF1091D-376C-42b2-B375-E2FE9480E845" />
      <Package Name="SharePoint" Version="1.0" DateInstalled="2009-03-09" Id="0D05BACA-B8EC-4233-B67D-6CAB7536A700" />

    We changed it content to:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- This file determines which packages have been added to Telligent Community -->
      <Package Name="Ldap" Version="1.0" DateInstalled="2009-03-09" Id="4BF1091D-376C-42b2-B375-E2FE9480E845" />
      <Package Name="SharePoint" Version="1.0" DateInstalled="2009-03-09" Id="0D05BACA-B8EC-4233-B67D-6CAB7536A700" />

    But nothing changes, the log output was
    2021-09-24 20:06:21,824 - [STARTING] Ldap Sync (Id=c3226dfc-9220-4c21-ac12-a33a785bdd28, JobId=875d3303-c73e-4a1e-a944-a3b6a4617b80)
    2021-09-24 20:06:21,824 - [FINISHED] Ldap Sync (Id=c3226dfc-9220-4c21-ac12-a33a785bdd28, JobId=875d3303-c73e-4a1e-a944-a3b6a4617b80)

    And users was not updated

  • OpenID connect will be preferred, which will widely available in the next week or two in 12, but certified for Okta, though Azure AD should follow shortly.  There are services offerings for SAML as well.

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