Rich text editor issue

Hi Team,

I am using rich text editor to add description in my event, but when I am pasting any link or tagging a person, it is converting it to as mention which is the current behavior of editor.

But after saving the event details when I am trying to fetch event description then it is returning as [mention:somekey:somekey]

Please guide how to fetch event details correctly so that mentions gets converted to a link.

Fetching event as #set(#event = $calendar_v1_events.Show('%{Content-Id = id}'));

Fetching description as $event.description/$event.rawDescription.

  • $event.RawEventDescription is the value you want to use. The "Event Calendar - Add/Edit Event" widget has example usage of this in the Content section:

    #set ($body='')
    #if ($event)
    		#set ($body = $event.EventRawDescription)
    		<li class="field-item required event-body">
    			<label for="$core_v2_widget.UniqueId('body')" class="field-item-header">$core_v2_language.GetResource('EventDescriptionLabel')</label>
    			<span class="field-item-input">$core_v2_editor.Render('body',"%{Width='100%', Height='250px', Value=$body, ContentTypeId=$calendar_v1_events.ContentTypeId}")</span>
    			<span class="field-item-validation" style="display:none;"></span>

  • Thanks for quick reply, we need to display events description in event detail page without editor and there mentions are printing as [mention:key:key]

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