$core_v2_conversation.Create not working for normal user after 12.x upgrade

Hi Team,

Here is one scenario where $core_v2_conversation.Create is not working:

I am logged in as a normal user and I am a UG Leader of a group, when I am trying to send message to all the event attendees it's not working but it is working when I am logged in as administrator.

It was working fine older version i.e. 10.x but after upgrade to 12.x it is not working neither throwing any error.

An early resolution is something I am looking for.

Here is the code :

#set($admin_contact_body = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('body'))
#set($admin_msg_body = $core_v2_ui.FormatHtmlAsText($admin_contact_body))
#set($admin_usernames = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('usernames'))
#set($admin_conversationResponse = $core_v2_conversation.Create($admin_msg_body, $admin_usernames))

Parents Reply
  • Are there Errors or Warnings on $admin_conversationResponse? (These are properties of the Conversation response object)

    Is the $admin_usernames parameter a comma separated list of usernames?
    Are all the usernames valid and correspond to user accounts?
    Are any of the users a system account user?
    Users can set their "Allow private messages from" setting to "No one" or "Friends only". In the latter case, you must be friends with the user, and in the former case, only site admins may start conversations with the user. Are either of these the case when sending with a normal user?