I have a custom notification type, but getting a stack overflow exception when it triggers...
I have a custom notification type, but getting a stack overflow exception when it triggers...
Also ran it like this, with no exceptions, but nothing was actually created.
_notificationController.CreateUpdate(new NotificationCreateUpdateOptions { ContentId = session.ContentId, ContentTypeId = session.ContentTypeId, UserId = user.Id.Value, LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow });
public class SessionPreLearningMissing : IPlugin, INotificationType, IRecurringEvolutionJobPlugin { #region Public Members public string SESSION_NOTIFICATIONS_FLAG = "RUN_SESSION_NOTIFICATIONS"; #endregion #region Private Members private INotificationController _notificationController; #endregion #region IPlugin Members public string Name => "Hearing First - Session PreLearning Missing Notifications"; public string Description => "Notification plugins for when the session is over, but learners still have pre-learning to complete"; public void Initialize() { } #endregion #region INotificationType Plugin Members public string NotificationTypeName => "Session PreLearning Missing Notification Type"; public string NotificationTypeDescription => "Notification type for missing pre-learning"; public string NotificationTypeCategory => "Hearing First"; public Guid NotificationTypeId => Guid.Parse("BC9C1D78-B680-42EE-A35F-0BC99B8B3F02"); public bool IsCacheable => false; public bool VaryCacheByUser => false; public bool CanDeleteNotification(Guid notificationId, int userId) { return true; } public string GetMessage(Guid notificationId, [Documentation("Target", OptionsType = typeof(NotificationTarget))] string target) { var notification = Apis.Get<INotifications>().Get(notificationId); var session = HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Sessions.Get(notification.ContentId.Value); var course = HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Courses.Get(session.CourseId); switch (target) { case "Html": case "ShortText": case "Text": default: return String.Format("You have missing Session {0} pre-learning requirements in {1}", session.SortOrder.ToString(), course.Name); } } public string GetTargetUrl(Guid notificationId) { var notification = Apis.Get<INotifications>().Get(notificationId); var session = HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Sessions.Get(notification.ContentId.Value); var course = HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Courses.Get(session.CourseId); return course.Url; } public void SetController(INotificationController controller) { _notificationController = controller; } #endregion #region IRecurringEvolutionJobPlugin Members public Guid JobTypeId => Guid.Parse("636B5D02-809B-4AB1-8A63-01F2766B2BBB"); public JobSchedule DefaultSchedule => JobSchedule.Daily(); public JobContext SupportedContext => JobContext.Service; public void Execute(JobData jobData) { // Get all courses if open and datetime.now > startdate && less than close date + 5 days //Get the courses that arent finished yet var courses = HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Courses.List(); var activeCourses = (from c in courses where c.StartDate < DateTime.Now && c.EndDate.AddDays(5) > DateTime.Now select c).ToList(); foreach(var course in activeCourses) { var registrants = HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Courses.GetCourseRoster(course.GroupId); var sessions = HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Sessions.ListCourseSessions(course.Id); // Loop through the sessions and determine if the session is flagged for notifications. foreach(var session in sessions) { var flag = HearingFirst.ContentAttributes.Components.ContentAttributes.Get(session.ContentId, HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Sessions.CONTENT_TYPE_ID, this.SESSION_NOTIFICATIONS_FLAG); if(flag != null && flag.Value.Equals("1")) { foreach(var registrant in registrants) { try { var user = Apis.Get<IUsers>().Get(new UsersGetOptions { Username = registrant.Username }); var requirementsRemaining = Components.CourseRequirements.RemainingPreLearningSessionRequirementCount(user.Id.Value, course.Id, session.Id); var adobeAttended = Components.CourseRequirements.TotalAdobeSessionRequirementsMet(user.Id.Value, course.Id, session.Id); var totalAdobe = Components.CourseRequirements.TotalAdobeSessionRequirements(course.Id, session.Id); if (requirementsRemaining > 0 && adobeAttended == totalAdobe) { _notificationController.CreateUpdate(new NotificationCreateUpdateOptions { ContentId = session.ContentId, ContentTypeId = session.ContentTypeId, UserId = user.Id.Value, LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow }); } } catch(Exception ex) { var exc = ex; } } // Reset the session flag to "0" meaning the notifications have been sent for this session. HearingFirst.ContentAttributes.Components.ContentAttributes.CreateOrUpdate( new ContentAttributes.Entities.ContentAttribute { ContentId = session.ContentId, ContentTypeId = HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Components.Sessions.CONTENT_TYPE_ID, Key = this.SESSION_NOTIFICATIONS_FLAG, Value = "0", }); } } } } #endregion }