Are Article Categories searchable?

I want to filter Search Results by using Article Categories.  I.E.  Use the categories as a Search Facet.  Is this supported?

  • Yes and at the same time No.  Article Categories are indexed with a field name articlecategoryid.  So they are searchable, however they are currently stored as an integer, so you would need to know the integer value to search to get the facet to function correctly.  For example (on, articlecategoryid:Plugins would not do anything, but articlecategoryid:9 would return the articles in the "Plugins" article category.  So if you are in a situation where you could identify the Ids of the categories, Yes.  If you are trying to search directly by the name of a category, No.

  • Yes and at the same time No.  Article Categories are indexed with a field name articlecategoryid.  So they are searchable, however they are currently stored as an integer, so you would need to know the integer value to search to get the facet to function correctly.  For example (on, articlecategoryid:Plugins would not do anything, but articlecategoryid:9 would return the articles in the "Plugins" article category.  So if you are in a situation where you could identify the Ids of the categories, Yes.  If you are trying to search directly by the name of a category, No.

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