Article How to overwrite an existing permission?

To overwrite a specific permission for a specific group type and site role.  Navigate to Manage > Administration > Groups > Global Permissions

Click the 'Overwrite Permissions' button.

  • Groups to Overwrite: You can choose either to 'Overwrite Existing Groups Only' (will have no effect on an groups created after the change) or 'Apply to New and Existing Groups' (will overwrite existing groups and change the default template so any groups created after the change will reflect the change).
  • Group Type: Which group type to affect.  To learn about group types see What is a group? .
  • Role:  Which site role to affect.
  • Permission: Which permission to overwrite.
  • Allow/Deny: Whether the overwrite should be to allow or deny the permission.

Once the options have been selected, click the 'Overwrite' button.  Overwriting excising group permissions is not immediate it will schedule a background job that may take a while to run depending on the number of groups and applications within the community.