Disable - Accounts going into Moderated state

We are revamping how we handle and report moderated items in our community. During this audit, we have noticed that there are a not insignificant number of users who are getting into a moderated state as we have items in the queue that are "Moderate Content by Moderated Users". However, when I Administer these users, I am seeing they are set to Not Moderated.

I have two questions as a result of this. 

  • Which one of these messages is displaying in error? 
    • To me, either they should show as Moderated in their account, or their posts should not end up in the Awaiting Review section of the moderation queue. 
  • Is it possible to disable all automations that would put a user into a Moderated state? 
    • For our community, we would like to not use the Moderated state as we are going to treat posting permissions as binary. You have them or you do not. Our volume is too high to have a subset of users who need each post approved.