How to add custom Events to Automations Trigger list in Automation Studio?


I created several events in my project.

How can I register them to be used in Automations Trigger list in Automation Studio?

  • Hi . You can register your own events as automation triggers by implementing the IAutomationEventDefinition plugin type. 

    IAutomationEventDefinition is defined in the Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Automation.Version1 namespace of Telligent.Evolution.Platform.dll Definition interface IAutomationEventDefinition : IPlugin…
    Last edited in Verint Community 12.x > API Documentation

    And within the plugin, you can register triggers against your events within the plugin's RegisterEvents method.

    public class CustomEntityEvents : IAutomationEventDefinition
    	public string Name => "Custom Entity Events";
    	public string Description => "Custom Entity Automation Event Definitions";
    	public void Initialize() {}
    	public void RegisterEvents(IAutomationEventController controller)
    		controller.RegisterEvent("CustomEntity", "BeforeCreate", 
    			handler => customEntityApi.BeforeCreate += args => handler(args));
    		controller.RegisterEvent("CustomEntity", "AfterCreate", 
    			handler => customEntityApi.AfterCreate += args => handler(args));

  • Hi . You can register your own events as automation triggers by implementing the IAutomationEventDefinition plugin type. 

    IAutomationEventDefinition is defined in the Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Automation.Version1 namespace of Telligent.Evolution.Platform.dll Definition interface IAutomationEventDefinition : IPlugin…
    Last edited in Verint Community 12.x > API Documentation

    And within the plugin, you can register triggers against your events within the plugin's RegisterEvents method.

    public class CustomEntityEvents : IAutomationEventDefinition
    	public string Name => "Custom Entity Events";
    	public string Description => "Custom Entity Automation Event Definitions";
    	public void Initialize() {}
    	public void RegisterEvents(IAutomationEventController controller)
    		controller.RegisterEvent("CustomEntity", "BeforeCreate", 
    			handler => customEntityApi.BeforeCreate += args => handler(args));
    		controller.RegisterEvent("CustomEntity", "AfterCreate", 
    			handler => customEntityApi.AfterCreate += args => handler(args));
