Update Avatar URL for a user through Automation


We have a requirement to update user's Avatar through automation job. Can anyone suggest how we can achieve this?


Parents Reply
  • We are able to update the avatar url for a user in the Widget Script. But inside automation, the avatar url is not getting updated using core_v2_http Script API. (Remote Avatars are allowed for users)

    We are using below automation code in Javascript to update avatar url.

    var url="https://community-qa.thomsonreuters.com/api.ashx/v2/users/"+userID+"/avatar.json";
    var Data= '{"AvatarUrl": "https://xxxxxxx.com/xxxx.png"}';
    var httpResponseResponse = core_v2_http.Put(url, { Data: Data, Headers: {"Rest-User-Token": 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}});

    Can you please suggest how we can update avatar url in automation using javascript?

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