How do I add content/text on the 'group request form' to give more context and a question to new members of the group?


I have set up a closed group on our community and users need to request a membership for that specific group.

Now I want to inform those new users (before they request to be part of the group) to add some information about themselves (ie. what company do you work for?).

How can I add text in that specific popup so users know what to add in the textfield as addition information?

  • You can edit this under the resources of "Request Group Membership Modal" widget .

    1.Go to Administration > Interface > Widget Studio.

    2. select the Request Group Membership Modal widget in the dropdown of viewing and click on the widget .

    3. Now click on the resources option under Overview.

    4. Edit the Text next to the Instructions and publish the widget.

    Also please note that this would be applicable for all the groups. You need to modify the widget code if you need this text to be shown only for specific group.

  • You can edit this under the resources of "Request Group Membership Modal" widget .

    1.Go to Administration > Interface > Widget Studio.

    2. select the Request Group Membership Modal widget in the dropdown of viewing and click on the widget .

    3. Now click on the resources option under Overview.

    4. Edit the Text next to the Instructions and publish the widget.

    Also please note that this would be applicable for all the groups. You need to modify the widget code if you need this text to be shown only for specific group.
