Custom page has no upload option with core_v2_editor.Render

We have an area of the site for Feedback and Support which we wan to be able to post to and really manage structure of the inbound thread. To do this we are using a custom form which is rendered on a custom page.

The custom page is created programatically under the root path eg `/cp/feedback/start-thread` and uses `$core_v2_editor.Render`. This for can be accessed by any user (logged in/logged out) but is triaged in a private space if the user is Anonymous. Everything was working as expected until we realised that the for would not allow Image Upload.

On reviewing the HTML for the Insert Image RTE option I can see the HTML for the upload button and it is hidden with `display:none`. I looked further into this and I can see that MCE has a config file which is coming through with the option to allow image uploads set to null.

I am not clear how to set this configuration, there is not parameter which makes it into the config file other that the ContentTypeId which makes me think that the configuration is worked out within `$core_v2_editor.Render` as is likely based on the group that the rendered form is placed in, or just the presence of a group, which I belive our custom pages do not have.

I tried the same with a custom page created in the front-end under /p/feedback-form and I still get the same issue, no Image Upload.

Perhaps I am missing a next step to give permission for the upload button to display but looking at the Render Params, I have no other options. The only thing I maybe able to do to get around this is use the Javascript function which is equivalent to core_v2_editor.Render which is $('#myrte').evolutionHtmlEditor({enableFileUpload: true})

To progress I may just take this latter option but I would like to know if I am missing something, or perhaps this is a limitation when using the RTE outside of certain parameters.

  • The direct usage of the evolutionHtmlEditor jQuery plugin is preferred but the core_v2_editor.Render scripting method is still supported.

    When supporting file uploads, the resulting HTML must be processed to move all uploaded files to an appropriate long-term storage location. The editor only uploads files to a temporary location which is only accessible to the uploading user and will be deleted after an hour of inactivity.

    Because file uploading requires additional processing, the core_v2_editor.Render method analyzes the content type specified by the ContentTypeId parameter to determine if it supports file embedding (the content type implements IFileEmbeddableContentType which identifies that the content type will process embedded files).

    The jQuery plugin is slightly more lower-level and allows direct access to set the ability to upload files, however, this still requires that the resulting HTML is processed to detect temporary uploaded files, move them to a long-term storage location, and update the HTML to reference the new location of the files.