Rich text editor


we using  $core_v2_editor.Render to implement rich text editor, we need to bind data to the same from velocity, while binding we getting error like uploaded image.

our code here " $core_v2_editor.Render('AboutYourCompany',"%{Width='100%', Value='$aboutCompany', ContentTypeId=$core_v2_blogPost.ContentTypeId}")"

Kindly guide us to fix this.

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Steven,

    Below I've given the exact code what I am using

    #set($company = $telligent_v1_businessListing.Current)

     $core_v2_editor.Render("$core_v2_widget.UniqueId('AboutYourCompany')","%{Width='100%', Value='$company.AboutYourCompany', ContentTypeId=$core_v2_blogPost.ContentTypeId}")

    Here we can able to bind the value now

     but we can't use Edit,insert,View, table and tools options, How to enable those options? Kindly guide us.

