Five star Rating creation in telligent

Hi Team,

I am applying five-star rating with the help of the following tool from below tool,

<span id="ratingControl"></span>

var ratingControl = $('#ratingControl');
    value: 4,  //  initial value of rating
    isReadOnly: false,
    onRate: function(value) {
        alert(value + ' selected!');

        // Temporarily disable editing of rating during saving
        ratingControl.evolutionStarRating('readOnly', true);

        // ...perform AJAX-based saving of rating here...

        // After a successful save, turn off the read-only state of the control
        ratingControl.evolutionStarRating('readOnly', false);

And I am getting the design as like below but how can I save these ratings information & get ratings' baack again. Can you help me please??