How to Implement IManageableApplicationType (v2) Plugin Type in Custom application

I like to show up my custom application in the "Add Application" section of the Administration interface. I found some answers in "Ask Community" like by implementing IManageableApplicationType (v2) Plugin Type we can show up custom application in Admin UI, but I have no idea how to implement the interface methods and there isn't enough information in the documentation,  can anyone help me to implement IManageableApplicationType (v2) Plugin interfaces ?

  • IManageableApplciationType extends IApplicationType which is quite a bit more to implement. There is a developer training series about IApplicationType and IContentType:  Creating Custom Applications and Content 

    Once you have an IApplicationType, the methods on IManageableApplicationType are more apparent. If you have specific questions about IManageableApplicationType, I can answer them here. 

  • Thank you for your reply  .I created a custom application similar to the Sample code attached in Creating Custom Applications and Content and Implemented few methods of IManageableApplicationType. but I have no idea about this Create, Delete and SetEnabled methods. Kindly help me out to implement those methods.


  • Create is given the container details and configuration details requested in GetCreateConfiguration() and is expected to create a new instance of your custom application and return its IApplication implementation. How this occurs is up to you.

    SetEnabled provides the userId of the user requesting the enablement change, the applicationId of your custom application that should be modified, and the desired enablement state. The method implementation is expected to enable/disable the application (if the requested user is allowed to make an enablement change). The implementation is up to you, but Community expects to be able to enable/delete applications.

    Delete is similar. The userId of the user requesting to delete your application and the applicationId of your custom application that is requested to be deleted are provided and the method is expected to delete the application (how that happens is up to you) if the provided user is allowed to perform a delete.