Conversation File Type Filtering

I feel like I am missing something obvious. Where do I expand or contract the allowed file types used for conversations (private messages)?

I have added more types to the global list in Moderation, but the conversation tool seems to still be restricting to a smaller list. (Not a caching issue that I'm aware of since the additions happened months ago, but complaint was recent)

Previous sources of documentation I've looked at for guidance:
How can I control the types and sizes of files that members can upload outside of specific applications? - User Documentation - Verint Community 11.x - Verint | Telligent Community
How do I control types and sizes of files that members can upload? - User Documentation - Verint Community 11.x - Verint | Telligent Community

Parents Reply Children
  •  Only known URLs and the following file extensions are allowed: 123, aac, ai, aiff, art, asf, asx, avi, bmp, config, csd, css, db, dmg, doc, docx, drw, edrw, eml, flac, flv, gif, gz, htm, html, ics, jpeg, jpg, lcdconf, lcdtheme, log, m4a, m4p, m4v, mdb, mdbx, mid, midi, mmv, mov, mp3, mp4, mpg, msg, ogg, pcf, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, ps, psd, pts, pwf, qt, ram, rar, rm, rtf, sit, sitx, sql, swf, tif, tiff, txt, vcf, vcs, wav, wma, wmv, wpd, wps, xls, xlsx, xml, zip. Please select a valid file or enter a valid URL  


  • Conversations apparently uses the Allowed File Extension list from Member File Storage.    That setting can be found under Membership > Member File Storage in Administration.  If adding the extensions there does not correct your issue, can you provide the exact version you are on and I can check that version to ensure there are no differences between it and the latest version of 11 that has been released.