On Members page, hide avatars of members who haven't logged in?

Former Member
Former Member

On the /member page, is it possible to hide those members who have never logged into our new site? We have migrated over accounts from our current community. While we hope that most of those migrated members will come to the new community (launch on March 15), reset their PW, and activate their account, there is no guarantee. In the meantime, when you look at our /members page, you see a whole lotta greyed out icons of people who have yet to login. 

Is there a way to change this? Only show those members who have reset their PW and logged into the new site? Only see those people who have logged in in the past 3 months? Anything to disrupt the sea of grey, empty avatars. 

I'm open to all suggestions.

  • It's possible, but it would require a large customization.  While we do return the user record, which has the LastLoginDate and LastVisitedDate which you could use to exclude members from being displayed, we don't sort by these values so paging would be an issue.  When loading the page, you may have no records of users who visited recently because we sort by display name.

  • It's possible, but it would require a large customization.  While we do return the user record, which has the LastLoginDate and LastVisitedDate which you could use to exclude members from being displayed, we don't sort by these values so paging would be an issue.  When loading the page, you may have no records of users who visited recently because we sort by display name.

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