Blog mirrored feed image

Hi all,

On our yet-to-be-launched community we have a set of blog posts that are mirrored from our corporate website's blog feed.  This feed contains a "media:content" element which contains the (title) image for the blog post.  We expected this to be shown when Verint lists the blog posts, but it currently isn't.  From looking at the widget I think that it would, if it correctly understood the image in the RSS feed.

Can someone confirm what Verint's blog mirroring will understand as an image and display in the blog listing?  Does it need to have an <enclosure> element with a specific mime type, perhaps?

I hope to be able to get our RSS feed updated to contain this information in the appropriate format but, as this is bouncing between a number of vendors, I need to be sure that I am giving them the correct guidance.



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